Must Have Travel Gear for a RTW Trip

Planning what to take on a RTW trip is essential in making the trip all that it can be. By packing the right supplies, the traveler is able to go along with pretty much anything when they’re on the road without having to worry. Here are a couple of short break-downs of what you may need.


Clothing can be quite confusing to a lot of travelers. Many people wonder whether or not to go with the professional hiking clothing, which can be quite expensive to say the least. The answer to this question is a resounding yes; it is definitely worth spending the extra money on good quality hiking clothes because they are:

  • Super lightweight. The value of this will not truly be appreciated until after the trip has begun. Thing of the amount of extra energy and effort you need to carry another 5kg around..

A lightweight waterproof is a must in certain countries.

  • Durable. They last forever! This means the traveler is able to get more wears out of each item of clothing so not as much needs to be taken, saving room and lightening the load even more. Be careful with cuts and nicks from bushes/brambles etc as these can quickly ruin the integrity of the item.
  • Comfortable. Hiking gear is designed to multi task by keeping the wearer cool or warm when needed. Perfect for any unexpected situation whilst travelling through so many countries. Give everything a test run before you buy it.

Taking along a couple of bandannas is always worthwhile as well. They can be used for many things such as a head cover if needed for religious purposes, a dust cover for the mouth or simply a way to keep the sun off your head in extreme heat.


Those who travel round the world will undoubtedly want to record the whole experience for when memories fade and of course to make those at home jealous. When packing gadgets, a small lightweight netbook is ideal for keeping in touch with people and uploading photos whenever possible. A digital camera is a must, as is extra memory to keep things from grinding to a halt. Today’s technology is amazing for providing lightweight, super slim and small gadgets which take up hardly any room at all in the bag.

Do not underestimate the value of torchlight

If you like to blog on the go you can also benefit from a USB wifi stick or similar to ensure you have some resemblance of an internet connection in the middle of nowhere.

In regards to batteries and other common supplies, they will be readily available along the way so there is no need to waste valuable room by stocking up with six month’s supply.

Essential gear

Some gear you cannot do without.. :

One of the most important things to take on a RTW trip is a good quality Swiss army knife. First timers often have no idea how valuable that little pocket knife will be to them. Be careful when traveling in certain areas, and of course on planes where you must check these kinds of items into hold luggage.

A small torch is also a must, for all sorts of reasons. Any number of situations could be benefited by a torch, whether its a dark tent or poorly lit walkway, it really does come in handy.

Sleeping bag or liner. These can be used as blankets on long journeys, a cover for a bed which has seen better days and obviously to keep warm at night. A mosquito net is also brilliant in tropical climates.

Waterproof bags are also a great idea if you want to keep those gadgets as safe as possible. Most of the backpacks these days come with a waterproof lining, but double wrapping is never a bad thing.


Its likely that as a traveling person you may be seen as a potential victim for crime. Its an unfortunate consequence wherever you go in the world.

The safest way to carry money

Travelers should take a couple of bank cards with them. This is the easiest way to access money in whichever currency is used in that particular country. Keeping them safe in a money belt is a great idea when on the road, mainly for the out of sight out of mind effect for any would-be pickpockets.

Generally, you will find that US dollars are the best backup money to have as they will be tradeable almost anywhere in the world if you really are struggling for emergency cash.

An international phone card may also be a wise choice if you have run out of local currency or cannot find an ATM in the area. Most locals are happy for you to use their phone if they know it wont cost them anything.